Visit Rømø & Tønder

Restaurants - Rømø and Tønder

If you are looking for restaurants on Rømø or in Tønder, you can sort by restaurants and restaurants around the whole of Tønder and on the holiday island of Rømø on this page. There are countless Restaurants and Cafes with a large

Find restaurants on Rømø

On Rømø there are two areas where the eateries are centered, namely at Lakolk Butikscenter or in Havneby. At Lakolk you will find a pleasant beach promenade with various cafes and restaurants. in Havneby, the eating places are less crowded, but there is often better space in the high season.

Restaurants on Rømø

On Rømø there are many restaurants, among which you will find, Café Fru Dax, Hr. Dax, Café Retro. When you have to eat at one of these Restaurants, it is a good idea to book a table before you leave, as there are always a lot of people on Rømø, especially during the holiday season.

Especially for the Restaurants on Rømø is that most places are only open from spring to autumn and have closed during the winter period.

Find restaurants in Tønder

In Tønder there are a myriad of different restaurants, most of which are located in the pedestrian zone, where you will find different cafes and restaurants that have different food cultures. The most popular cafés are Café Victoria, Café Arthur and Kloster Caféen.

Restaurants in Tønder

If you need to find a cozy place and enjoy dinner, then you can clearly consider finding a good restaurant in Tønder. All places are more or less open all year round, but especially in the summer period you can be allowed to sit out on the square or pedestrian street and enjoy your food.

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Handicap accessibility

Full accesseslightly

Level-free access, lift etc., which enable wheelchairs to get around.

Partially available

There are rooms/areas where wheelchair users cannot enter, but it is still possible to have a good experience.

Available with a helper or some walking function.

There is a step or other that means you need help in order to participate/enter.

Not available.

There is no lift, ramps or anything else that prevents wheelchairs from entering.

The accessibility assessment is based on a normal-sized wheelchair. If you use an extra-wide electric wheelchair or electric crosser, please contact the desired place of visit yourself. Likewise, there may be circumstances which mean that the availability for a period is not as described by us. A good idea is to always search for information on the website of the desired place to visit.