Black Sun with guided bus tour - by Sort Safari


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Join us for an unforgettable journey with the Sort Sol bus, which conveniently picks you up at one of the three selected collection points (you choose your pick-up point during the booking process). Black Safari® presents the largest and most impressive city flocks, and guides you to the best places to experience the breathtaking natural spectacle.

Imagine the sight of starlings elegantly ‘dancing’ and constantly creating new, enchanting formations against the picturesque sunset, after a day filled with foraging. ‘Black Sun’ is a mesmerising spectacle in which hundreds of thousands of starlings gather in a dramatic dance across the rooftop zones to seek rest as they navigate a potential battle for survival against hungry birds of prey. Along the way, you will get up close to the enchanting marshland landscape and be initiated into the life of starlings, the cycles of nature and the magic of ‘Black Sun’. Sort Safari®, the pioneers of the nature event ‘Black Sun’, are your experts on this journey. We have our finger on the pulse and know about the movements of the largest urban groups, as well as have exclusive access to private areas that are normally closed to the public. ‘Black Sun’ is an experience that transcends words. It must not only be seen, but also heard and scented in order to fully appreciate its grandeur and beauty. It is an event that enriches the soul and leaves lasting impressions, an experience that everyone should experience at least once in a lifetime. Remember beware, as Black Sun is often best experienced south of the border. Please bring binoculars and a seat cushion/cushion



Handicap tilgængelighed

Fuld tilgængeligt

Niveaufri adgang, elevator m.m., som gør det muligt for kørestole at komme omkring.

Delvis tilgængeligt

Der er rum/områder hvor man som kørestolsbruger ikke kan komme ind, men stadigvæk muligt at få en god oplevelse.

Tilgængeligt med en hjælper eller lidt gangfunktion.

Der er et trin eller andet der gør at man behøver hjælp for at kunne deltage/komme ind.

Ikke tilgængeligt.

Her mangler elevator, ramper eller andet der gør at kørestole ikke kan komme ind.

Tilgængelighedsvurderingen er foretaget ud fra en almindelig størrelse kørestol. Hvis man bruger ekstra bred elektrisk kørestol eller el-crosser, beder vi jer venligst selv kontakte det ønskede besøgssted. Ligeledes kan der være forhold der gør at tilgængeligheden i en periode ikke er som beskrevet af os. En god ide er altid at søge oplysninger på det ønskede besøgssteds hjemmeside.