Aktør af Rømø & Tønder
In the last 6 years, we have had a success rate of almost 100% when it comes to seeing the starlings' beautiful ballet. The starlings move and it can be difficult to find them on your own. Of course, we cannot guarantee that you will see Black Sol, but almost. For the past 6 years, our guests have seen the starlings' beautiful dance every time.
Black Sun is a unique natural phenomenon that can be seen in spring and autumn, when migrating starlings gather in large flocks for the night. Especially in the Tøndermarsken in southwestern Denmark. Just before the starlings descend to earth for the night, the large flocks form patterns in the sky that nearly eclipse the sun, hence the name black sun. Black sun can also be experienced outside the marsh, but not to such a pronounced degree. The phenomenon, which lasts about twenty minutes, usually ends no later than an hour after sunset, when the starlings have settled down in the roof pipes. The roosting flocks in the Tønder marsh can sometimes accommodate more than 1 million birds. If they get bigger than 500,000 birds, however, they usually split up. The reason why starlings fly in flocks is not known exactly. One theory is that the starlings are myopic and have forward-facing eyes, which means they may have difficulty detecting enemies. Their eye placement is ideal when it comes to focusing on an object, a food item, in front of them, but less advantageous when detecting enemies. In the large flocks, the starlings are probably better able to repel attacks from birds of prey.
Tøndermarsken in south-western South Jutland is approximately 2,500 ha. Denmark's largest continuous meadow area. Marsklandet has a rich birdlife and a very varied flora. In Margrethe Kog there is a saltwater lake with many wading birds. The landscape is characteristic of the marshlands along the North Sea. The water level in large parts of the unique Tøndermarsk was lowered in the spring of 2009 because farmers diverted the water away from the area. The high water level otherwise benefits the important birdlife in the area. The Danish Ornithological Association has previously complained to the EU about Denmark's administration of the Tøndermarsken, and in 2003 the EU Commission took the first step to bring proceedings against Denmark at the European Court of Justice. After the public has introduced a number of improvements, the European Commission decided in November 2012 to close the case.
If you want to book accommodation and food in connection with the trip, you can instead book the trip as a combined package at [MARSKHOTELLET](https://marskhotellet.dk/sort-sol-arrangement)
If you only want overnight accommodation, you can book it below. (It is possible to add food later if desired)
Full accesseslightly
Level-free access, lift etc., which enable wheelchairs to get around.
Partially available
There are rooms/areas where wheelchair users cannot enter, but it is still possible to have a good experience.
Available with a helper or some walking function.
There is a step or other that means you need help in order to participate/enter.
Not available.
There is no lift, ramps or anything else that prevents wheelchairs from entering.
The accessibility assessment is based on a normal-sized wheelchair. If you use an extra-wide electric wheelchair or electric crosser, please contact the desired place of visit yourself. Likewise, there may be circumstances which mean that the availability for a period is not as described by us. A good idea is to always search for information on the website of the desired place to visit.