1 day in Løgumkloster

Use a single day in the southern City of Løgumkloster with historical and nature-rich experiences.
Reading time: 7 Minutes

First stop – Vongshøj

The large burial mound Vongshøj is located high in the Løgumbjerge hills northwest of Løgumkloster. From a tower at the top there is a view over large parts of Southern Jutland. Vongshøj is the largest of a group of approximately 50 mounds from the Bronze Age. There are no known finds from Vongshøj, but a bronze sword and a gold arm ring from the Early Bronze Age have been found in a mound further north. In some of the other mounds, graves from the Bronze Age have also been found.

Vongshøj is the highest point with its 62 m above sea level. From here there is a unique view of the otherwise flat country. Especially to the south-east, south and south-west there is a good view.

Vongshøj is a point on the black of the Kløverstieren, and starting from the rest area on route 25, you can follow the marked hiking trails through Tornskov to the hill. A nice table/bench set has been set up next to the lookout tower, where you can enjoy your picnic basket in quiet surroundings.

During the First World War, the Germans used Vongshøj as a radio listening station. At Vongshøj, a radio mast with a height of 40 m was erected, from here aerial telegraphy could be carried out over large parts of Southern Jutland. The tower still exists and functions today exclusively as a lookout tower.

AvailabilityDuring the First World War, the Germans used Vongshøj as a radio listening station. At Vongshøj, a radio mast with a height of 40 m was erected, from here aerial telegraphy could be carried out over large parts of Southern Jutland. The tower still exists and functions today exclusively as a lookout tower.

@Bjarke Petersen - Visit Rømø & Tønder
@Bjarke Petersen - Visit Rømø & Tønder

Second stop – Museum Holmen

The Holmen Museum is a small place with a well-functioning framework for conveying great art as well. Here, small, unique highlights within art and culture are presented - parallel to the flat Marshland's vineyards and dykes. Together with the museums in Esbjerg, Ribe, Tønder and Nolde The museum in Seebüll just south of the border, the Holmen museum forms an artistic bastion in this part of the country, which leads the mind to anything but the outskirts. The museum is housed in a former farm from the 18th century, and in this setting has housed a number of exhibitions with both nationally and internationally recognized artists.
The museum is part of a special profile in Løgumkloster's ecclesiastical and cultural environment, with a focus that there must also be room for high-quality art experiences in our part of the country - Southern Jutland.

See more here: Exhibitions (museetholmen.dk)

Opposite the museum stands 'The Monk', the second of Løgumkloster's two statues, made by sculptor Alice Buchhave.

Availability: The museum is not wheelchair accessible.

@Museet Holmen
@Museet Holmen

Third stop – the medieval garden at Løgumkloster High School.

The Medieval Garden is a project that provides a framework for both historical, cultural and scientific dissemination activities and experiences. The garden conveys plant knowledge and knowledge of the monastery gardens in the Middle Ages, and at the same time inspires new ways of cultivating one's garden with a forest garden, permaculture and organic cultivation principles. Good paths lead from the city center via the church and the refuge to the college's garden.

All year round, public events are held in the medieval garden with communal meals, lectures on horticulture, garden walks and creative activities in the garden, which is called the Open Medieval Garden.

An 'Open Medieval Garden event' can, for example, be in the style of the College's harvest festival, which is held in October, where autumn is celebrated with communal dining and food from the college's vegetable garden, as well as a lecture with a representative from Practical Ecology. An event can also be a garden walk with forest warden Torben Ravn

(see calendar for events here)  Events in the garden – Løgumkloster Højskole (løgumkloster højskole.dk)

@Løgumkloster High School
@Løgumkloster High School

Fourth stop – Prisoner of war graves

During the First World War, when Southern Jutland was part of the German Empire, a prisoner of war camp was established south of Løgumkloster. It was put into use at the beginning of 1915, and there was room for approx. 2000 prisoners in it – mainly Russians, French and Belgians. They worked in heath and bog cultivation, in agriculture, as well as in river straightening and dike construction. Early after its establishment, the camp was hit by a typhus epidemic, and from March 10 to September 11, 1915, 71 prisoners and the camp doctor died. These are buried in this cemetery.
The memorial stone at the site with Danish, French and Russian inscriptions was raised by surviving prisoners. This was replaced by a new granite memorial in 1923.

The POW camp was used for homesteads after the end of the war in 1918, but burned down shortly after in 1920.

The prisoner of war graves are beautifully located in the forest and can be taken on foot after visiting the church or the bell tower.

Availability: In dry periods, it is possible to use the path in a wheelchair if you can negotiate slightly uneven terrain.

@Mina Osmanovic - Visit Rømø & Tønder
@Mina Osmanovic - Visit Rømø & Tønder

Fifth stop – King Frederik IX's Carillon, Løgumkloster 1973

In 1972, people in Løgumkloster were busy preparing the following year's celebrations on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the church and the town. The enterprising chairman of Løgumkloster Refugium and of Løgumkloster High School's board, parish priest Anders Bork Hansen, considered how to mark this event in the best and most dignified way.

So in 1973, on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the monks' arrival at Løgumkloster, King Frederik IX's Carillon was erected. It is 25 m high, has 49 bells and is thus one of the largest in the Nordic region. All the bells bear the king's monogram and the nine largest have an inscription, the first two of which are written by Queen Margrethe II.

Løgumkloster is one of the four places in the world where you can train as a bellman.

Accessibility: Yes (The clock tower can only be viewed from the ground)


Sixth stop – Løgumkloster Church

The monastery was founded in 1173 by Cistercian monks at Brede Å. Throughout the Middle Ages, the town of Løgumkloster grew up under the shelter of a monastery and church. The monastery was closed in 1548. Of the monastery's original four wings, only the north wing (the church) and the east wing (Capital Hall, Library, Sacristy and Dormitory) remain today.

Chapter Hall
The most distinguished room after the church. Every morning the monks gathered in this room to be read a chapter of the monastic rules, hence the name Chapter Hall. The gathering ended with confessions and confessions of sin. Today, the Chapter Hall is used for morning singing and small concerts.

The Library
On the south wall hangs a full-size photostat of the front of the altar table from the high altar in the church's choir, from approx. 1325. The original can be found today at the National Museum. Also called the Mary Table.

The sacristy
Through the door in the south transept of the church you enter the Sacristy. In the wall there are 7 niches where the holy vessels from the altars have been stored.

Dormitory - Sleeping Hall
From the cloister corridor (today called the Glass corridor) you go up a well-preserved staircase, the day staircase, up to the monks' dormitory. Above the stairs t.h. there has been a large room over the monk's hall. Here was possibly the monastery's hospital, the infirmary. In the northern part of the dormitory is the "Abbot's room" (locked). By the abbot's room, a door leads to the "night stairs" and down into the church. The church seen from this staircase is a breathtaking sight.

Løgumkloster Church is considered - together with Sorø Klosterkirke - to be among the most beautiful and significant church buildings from Denmark's Middle Ages.

The church is open to tourists Monday-Saturday at 9-17, Sunday at 12-17, except for church actions. There is evening singing Monday-Friday at 17.30-18, Wednesday with altar service.

Availability: The church is partially accessible. There are ramps, but due to small steps that have to be climbed, a helper will be required. There is a disabled toilet in the cemetery. The surface in the cemetery/by the toilet building is gravel and cobblestones.

@Bjarke Petersen - Visit Rømø & Tønder
@Bjarke Petersen - Visit Rømø & Tønder

Seventh stop – The Jester Statue and the Monastery Mark

Æ The Klostermarken – or St. The Bartholomæusmarkedt, as it used to be called colloquially, is an annual market for clowns, small animals and horses. The market is first held in August each year, and begins with a Jester service in Løgumkloster Church on Thursday evening.

On the square in Løgumkloster stands a statue showing the people who took the initiative for the services during the annual Klostermærken.
'The clown priest together with his clowns' - Anders Bork Hansen, the "rat king" Cibrino and tent keeper Valdemar Jessen. The statue was made in bronze 1980-81 by Alice Buchhave.

The same sculptor also made 'The Monk', which stands at the Art Museum Holmen, Løgumkloster.

Fun fact: Opposite the statue, a love bench and an inscription plate were placed in 2012 as a gift to June and Peter Belli (Danish singer and actor).

Availability: Yes


Eighth stop – Draved forest

Draved Skov is the largest piece of untouched forest in Denmark, and here you have a unique opportunity to experience how Danish forests looked thousands of years ago. In Draved Forest you will find, among other things, the rare small-leaved linden and other old Danish woods. One of the first things you pass when walking from the car park in Draved Skov is a huge oak tree called the Skovkrukken with very crooked branches. It has stood here since 1642.

The tree is one of the naval oaks that were planted at the time so that they could be used to build warships. The shape of the crooked branches was perfect for making the frames and keels of the ships. But this example of the old fleet oaks did not end its days as ship timber, but stands here today as one of many examples of Draved Skov's long history.

The oak is called the forest pot because it is difficult for the rest of the forest to live with. Its roots take up an incredible amount of space, and in modern forestry it can't really be used for anything.

Sights, wildlife, etc. in Draved Forest (see more)  Draved Forest (naturstyrelsen.dk)

Hiking trails

When walking in Draved Forest, it is an advantage to wear rubber boots, as the ground can be very damp and soft. There are two walking routes.

The western hike (about 2 km). The trip mostly follows major roads and paths.

The eastern hike (about 4 km). The tour goes on both larger and smaller hiking trails and through marshy areas.


Several areas in the forest are the subject of intensive research. Therefore, be careful not to damage the erected poles and measuring instruments and do not remove flowers, branches or mushrooms.

(See map here)  61_draved-skov_290515.pdf (naturstyrelsen.dk)

Availability: No

@Bjarke Petersen - Visit Rømø & Tønder
@Bjarke Petersen - Visit Rømø & Tønder

Ninth Stop – The Brown Legend.

Many important things happened in 1964: The Little Mermaid had her head sawed off for the first time, the first Ford Mustang was introduced, the Beatles gave their first and only Danish concert in K.B. Hallen, and then debuted Burger steak sandwich at Løgumkloster Central Hotel.

'De Brune Riddere' - the judging panel behind the annual selection of Denmark's Best Steak Sandwich, presented this year's honorary award in 2020 to 'Den Brune Legende'. A piece of living steak sandwich history: Børge's steak sandwich at Løgumkloster Central Hotel is based on the same recipe as when it was introduced in 1964.

We can recommend that you taste this legend either at the Central Hotel or as Take Away.

(see more) Løgumkloster Central Hotel – Party and eat at competitive prices.

@Løgumkloster Central Hotel
@Løgumkloster Central Hotel
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Handicap accessibility

Full accesseslightly

Level-free access, lift etc., which enable wheelchairs to get around.

Partially available

There are rooms/areas where wheelchair users cannot enter, but it is still possible to have a good experience.

Available with a helper or some walking function.

There is a step or other that means you need help in order to participate/enter.

Not available.

There is no lift, ramps or anything else that prevents wheelchairs from entering.

The accessibility assessment is based on a normal-sized wheelchair. If you use an extra-wide electric wheelchair or electric crosser, please contact the desired place of visit yourself. Likewise, there may be circumstances which mean that the availability for a period is not as described by us. A good idea is to always search for information on the website of the desired place to visit.